Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Change to my study programme

Well, we have to talk about the Programm study in our career, I can't really say that much about it  because this is my first year in the career and I think that to have an opinion on something you must first live it or go through that's why I can't have an opinion on the levels that are higher but I will talk about this first year.  The only thing that I don't like it's that if you fail a course, you fall behind a lot in the career, it's almost one year more ):.
  In this first year of the career, the subjects that we have are the basic for everything that it's coming in the next years, levelling all the new students in chemistry, maths, biology and physics. I like it, I mean that I will not change it, is necessary to be able to face the future. I think that we have quite a workload, I mean, it's a lot of subject-matters for every subject and not that much time to dedicate to each subject, but yeah, that's the university (?).

About the faculty facilities I must say that we need another place where we can have lunch, it's too small the place that we have. Also, it would be good to make some arrangement to the library or make it bigger, I don't really like go there to study, I don't feel like in a real library, like in other faculties where the library is very big.

I really like the teaching methods of our teachers, as always are exceptions, but almost all the teachers in this career (for now) have the disposition to explain everything you ask, in the best possible way. The only thing that I would change could be that they sent more exercises type test/exam to make them WITH ANSWERS.

Well, that's all. See yaa~~

English Language Challenges

I think that English is a language that everyone should learn, i mean, it works for many things like; communicate with other people who spea...