Friday, December 8, 2017

English Language Challenges

I think that English is a language that everyone should learn, i mean, it works for many things like; communicate with other people who speak another language, you could say that it is the standard language to converse, also there is much information that serves us, whether for our career or for any subject, which is only in English so it is also a necessity.
Personally since I was a child I learned English playing video games, since most of the games of that time were only in English (Zelda , Mario , etc), so I had to learn to be able to advance in the game.
My experience learning English in the university I feel that it has been normal, almost the same as in school, having classes and always learning some new word or to refresh the memory, the only thing different would be blogs. I think blogging is a good way to apply English, it's something that we are not used to do (at least me) even in my language and doing it in English makes you apply several things and helps you to continue learning from language.
I think I need to improve the pronunciation of English, I think I can improve it by simply speaking more, it's a thing of getting used more to the language and the words. And maybe vocabulary , I always forgot some words so I have to refresh my memory a few times :p

Ahhm outside the English class I use the language a lot, as I said before it helps me to translate videogames, to read books either related to my career or some information I need and, without a doubt, the most important thing to communicate with people who speak the language, whether in online videogames or in real life.


1 comment:

  1. "I think that English is a language that everyone should learn" I completely agree with that


English Language Challenges

I think that English is a language that everyone should learn, i mean, it works for many things like; communicate with other people who spea...