Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Summer Holidays

I don't really have any plans for this summer , as most of my holidays , i think that i would stay here in Santiago (yeah, super funs holidays), go out with friends, go to the cinema, stay in home maybe  , i don't know, i always improvise... Also another option that i usually do is to go to the beach with my family or with friends, "Viña Del Mar" or "Valparaiso", almost all the time we go  to the “Quisco” or  to the “Tabo”, there is a beach called “El Canelo” and I think it’s the best beach right there. I love the sea, take a bath in the beach, and have some fun .It's always good leave the city, do things that we don't usually do there and relax.

The other option that i have if to go to the south with my family, more specifically, to see my grandmother who is in a countryside near of Temuco (in Hualpin).I don't really like countryside, there is not much that you can do there, I’m a person that like more the cities, but if my family is going i will go too. The most i like in the countryside it's that is so relaxing, and the air from the south doesn't compare with the pollution in Santiago, also like I say before it’s always good leave the city and this is the perfect place to relax and do nothing.

Those are the plans that I have for now , for now…


  1. El Canelo is so beautiful, is one the my favorite beaches

  2. loooooool, maybe in the summer we are going to see us, if you dont have enough chamorro 1313


English Language Challenges

I think that English is a language that everyone should learn, i mean, it works for many things like; communicate with other people who spea...