Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Well my family doesn't travel that much, we always have the excuse to not do it, sometimes for work and sometimes we just simply want to stay in home in holidays. But my grandmother lives in the south of Chile in a village called Hualpin near of Temuco, so we sometimes travel to see her.

In the holidays of 2015 we as a family ( My parents and my two brothers) decided to travel (in car) and see her, but we would stop in any town that we wanted to know, so from here the start (Santiago) we went all down to the south (Temuco) knowing too many cities like Linares, Chillan, Concepcion and Temuco. We went to so many tourist sites that i can't remember all they right now.
Also after being with my grandmother in Hualpin we went a little further south, to Pucon, where my uncle lives near the Lake Caburgua. I saw my cousins after a long time and we did a lot of things together, it was very cool.

Definitely it was the best holidays ever because i could see almost all the south of Chile, at least until Pucon, and enjoy a lot of landscapes that were beautiful and peaceful, the only thing that i did not like was to travel too much in car, after the all travel my back was very sore ):):


  1. It sounds like a lot of time in the car

  2. I like the south of chile...I have also familiy in the south :)

  3. do you know radal? is very close to temuco and a very lovely place, fulls of horses and simple people

  4. I visited the Caburgua lake this year, was wonderful!

  5. You went to my lands!!! I didn't see you :O


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