Tuesday, October 3, 2017

My future job

Like I say in another post I'm not a person who thinks much about future or really cares about his future, just about living the present... But I will do my best.

For now i'm studying Chemistry and Pharmacy, my plan is to finish this career and then go to work in a pharmacy or in an industry ( indoor / i have not decided yet), work a few years and earn money and after all that time possibly get a master( i don't know in what).

Of course if i can go to another country to work or to study i will do it , i mean travel to another country to do what i love to do is amazing. The salary of a Pharmacist newly graduated is not bad, you can live with that , but after getting the master you get a lot more money, for that is my plan to get the master... Get more money ($$$$$$$$$$) to travel more around the world or buy the things i like.

I'm not really interested to get another career after getting graduated of Chemistry and Pharmacy, at least for now, because i don't really like another career so for what reason i will study something else that does not interest me. But maybe the time passes and i will change my mind and i get another career, nobody knows...


English Language Challenges

I think that English is a language that everyone should learn, i mean, it works for many things like; communicate with other people who spea...