Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Why did you choose this career?

   Well...When i was 10, in the primary school,  I thought of becoming a doctor, or something related with the science/biology and also i thought becoming a Chef because i was very interested in all the cooking things.

In the high school i realized that becoming a Chef it wasn't my preference, it was just a hobbie, also during this time i interested just a little in the Chemistry but not that much. During this time i didn't thing that much in what i wanted to become in the future. But the time past and in the last year of high school you have to make decisions.

I didn't know what i was going to study in the university... I did not have any preference of a career so i focus in the things that i like... and that was the animals and the chemistry. After getting information of the careers related with the things i like, i decided that my choices were Veterinarian and Pharmacy. Then looking for specific information about this 2 careers i discard Veterinarian, so my final option was study Pharmacy. I talked with a friend of my brother who have just graduated of Pharmacy and he explained all the good and bad things of the career. After thinking i decide to enter to study Pharmacy.

My experience in the University so far has been pretty good, i have met so many people and we have a lot of laboratory activities, they are great but the informs that you have to do are pretty boring (meh) well its a part of this career.  I would like to work doing medicines to help people who need it and improve their health.


  1. You will love the career of pharmacy, that's the best choise :)

  2. yeees! the informs are so boring, I hate it.


English Language Challenges

I think that English is a language that everyone should learn, i mean, it works for many things like; communicate with other people who spea...