Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Your blogging experience

This experience in general was very interesting, I never wrote a blog before what we do now in classes so it’s being something new for me, it was a little hard at the beginning because I never talk that much of me in Internet but after several weeks of writing blogs it got easier. Also this experience help me to know more about my classmates and to know them better and them know better me.

I think that my skills of writing have been as always and have not changed much, maybe I change somethings like write more faster, be more relaxed when writing or things like that, but not that much. I must say that I have learned several words that I did not know so that it can be said that it is an advance.

I would like to include more photos, gifs or memes to make the experience more funny to the person who is reading my blog. There's always something about writing on blogs but I would like to write about your favorite animals, your favorite sport, about natural medicine, about Ignacio Gutiérrez (memeboy) and a lot of things.

Well that’s all see you in the next semester:P


  1. you will not see me, because you are going to approve all the classes :c

  2. Hahaha I can't agree more with your last paragraph.
    Great post :)


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