Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Well I'm not a person who really thinks in what i would do in the future or where i should go. But if i  have to travel to one country at this moment that would be Japan.
From the last 3 years i'm being really interested in the culture of Japan -a friend introduce it to me-, not only because of anime, it's more about the simple way they think and how they get the thinks that they want to do ."If someone can do it, it means that I can do it too".

Maybe in the city it would be a pretty tedious because in the city ( like almost all the big cities) are too many people that would be stressed by the work or being angry or things like that but that's one of the things you have to live in the big city, i mean... its a big city isn't it? it's a part of it.

Also the landscape of Japan seems beautiful peaceful at least from pictures and comments from friends that already travel to Japan. For example the "Mountain Fuji" , "Nikko" and many more places.

If i have the possibility to stay in Japan, learn Japanese, have a stable work and live there of course i would do it, I mean is a city where you can do a lot of things and a lot of opportunities, a pretty interesting and beautiful culture from which to learn.



  1. I think Japanese is a difficult language, so I wouldn't like to learn it

  2. Japan don´t exist is an invention of united states and the anime


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