Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Favorite Musician

Its quite difficult to say who is my favorite musician because don't really like the only musician, its more about the band in general. I will say my favorite band instead but that its hard too because i really like a lot of bands, so i'm going to say the band that i have been listening more recently.

Well this band is "Blink 182", its an American  rock/ pop funk band. In the 90's they were known because of his high-energy live shows and for his irreverent lyrical toilet humor. Blink-182 was initially known as "Blink" but an Irish band with the same name threatened legal action, in response of that, the band appended number "-182" (  why -182?, for no reason lul).

I really like this band because the style that they have, they music is really moved and some song don't make sense but they are fun, a perfect style of good music for me. Also their videos of Youtube are so bizarre but like them. I think that i have been listening to this band since i was 10, for those times, i was bored to listening all the same music and i told to my brother to recommend me bands, and this was one of them. From the beginning i really like them and from the last 3 weeks i have been listening them so much. It's a really cool band.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

A school anecdote

Well this anecdote it's from last year. At the fourth year of secondary school in the Instituto Nacional it has been a tradition from years to do a War of Bombs (of water and another things) in the  "Patio de Honor" of the school. After the school year and classes, all the fourth grade generation of that year fight in this war.  In the generation are like 600 students and the generation is divided in 3 groups depending on what you wanted to specialize in the future; "Cajeras" (Mathematics) , "Matronas"(Biologists) and "Cesantes"(Humanists). They take t-shirts and canvases an the group that steals more "wins".

Although it is a tradition that has been for many year, the director didn't give a permission to do it this year (the damage in the school it's too much) , but anyway we meet outside the school because we wanted to do the war. After talking for a long time with the director in the outside the school we decided to enter to the school by the back entrance no matter what the director told us and start our war. I was a "Matrona" and i don't remember who win that year but it was a very cool activity, a lot of water, colorant , firecrackers, hits, etc. 

And yeah after all the thing all the generation meets and says goodbye after all this is the last activity we do in the school, its a very good farewell of the course and all the people i met in the school (:

English Language Challenges

I think that English is a language that everyone should learn, i mean, it works for many things like; communicate with other people who spea...