Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Your favourite piece of tecnology

In this century it is so common to have a tecnology piece in our homes.
In my childhood it was a TV in our home so I always watched programs, series from there, also my parents bought to me and my brothers a console, it was a "Nintendo 64" and from there I liked the videogames of any kind.

Today its dificcult to say what is my favorite piece of tecnology because i have so many... The Tv where you can see any kind of program and series, consoles where are so many videogames or the mp3/mp4 where you can listen music but I think that my favorite piece of tecnology its my computer and my smartphone.

I got my computer at the beginning of this year ,we already had one but we shared each other with my brothers , so now i have one for me. And i got my smartphone when i was in the highschool like first half. I use my computer for everything, if I want to watch a program or if I want to listen music also I can play videogames the only thing you need is to have have internet, and I use my smartphone more than anything to listen music and communicate with people.

I use these two objects every day, I mean if I want to play or watch movies/programs I go to my computer and wherever I go I always listen music with my smartphone, also when I'm studying I listen music that motivate me. I really like that the computer and the smartphone can be used for so many things like listen music , search information , play games , communicate,etc. If i didn't have these objects it would be a disaster. I don't want to say that I could not live without them but it would be very boring  to do something without music or buy things that only do one thing and can't do what the computer can do.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Why did you choose this career?

   Well...When i was 10, in the primary school,  I thought of becoming a doctor, or something related with the science/biology and also i thought becoming a Chef because i was very interested in all the cooking things.

In the high school i realized that becoming a Chef it wasn't my preference, it was just a hobbie, also during this time i interested just a little in the Chemistry but not that much. During this time i didn't thing that much in what i wanted to become in the future. But the time past and in the last year of high school you have to make decisions.

I didn't know what i was going to study in the university... I did not have any preference of a career so i focus in the things that i like... and that was the animals and the chemistry. After getting information of the careers related with the things i like, i decided that my choices were Veterinarian and Pharmacy. Then looking for specific information about this 2 careers i discard Veterinarian, so my final option was study Pharmacy. I talked with a friend of my brother who have just graduated of Pharmacy and he explained all the good and bad things of the career. After thinking i decide to enter to study Pharmacy.

My experience in the University so far has been pretty good, i have met so many people and we have a lot of laboratory activities, they are great but the informs that you have to do are pretty boring (meh) well its a part of this career.  I would like to work doing medicines to help people who need it and improve their health.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Getting to now each other...

Hi, my name is Vicente Cea G. I'm 18 and my birthday is the 30th of October.I'm from Santiago, Chile. I live with my fathers and my 2 brothers in La Florida. My father name is Ramiro and he is an engineer electric. The name of my mother is Jenny and she is a cosmetic. Both of my brothers are in the university , Ramiro is studying Medicine and Nicolás is studying Engineering Industrial. I also have 3 dogs, they are called "Cholo", "Tania" and "Kuina". I really love my dogs.

I studied in a school called "Florida High School" where i started my basic studies, but then a I switch to the "Liceo Instituto Nacional" where i finish my studies. Now I'm studying Chemistry and Pharmacy in the Univerdad de Chile where i'm meeting so many people... its cool.

My hobbies are doing some kind of sport(my favorites are football and volleyball), play videogames and when i'm not doing anything i really like watch movies, series or anime.

That's all for now, nice to meet you.

English Language Challenges

I think that English is a language that everyone should learn, i mean, it works for many things like; communicate with other people who spea...