Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Your favourite piece of tecnology

In this century it is so common to have a tecnology piece in our homes.
In my childhood it was a TV in our home so I always watched programs, series from there, also my parents bought to me and my brothers a console, it was a "Nintendo 64" and from there I liked the videogames of any kind.

Today its dificcult to say what is my favorite piece of tecnology because i have so many... The Tv where you can see any kind of program and series, consoles where are so many videogames or the mp3/mp4 where you can listen music but I think that my favorite piece of tecnology its my computer and my smartphone.

I got my computer at the beginning of this year ,we already had one but we shared each other with my brothers , so now i have one for me. And i got my smartphone when i was in the highschool like first half. I use my computer for everything, if I want to watch a program or if I want to listen music also I can play videogames the only thing you need is to have have internet, and I use my smartphone more than anything to listen music and communicate with people.

I use these two objects every day, I mean if I want to play or watch movies/programs I go to my computer and wherever I go I always listen music with my smartphone, also when I'm studying I listen music that motivate me. I really like that the computer and the smartphone can be used for so many things like listen music , search information , play games , communicate,etc. If i didn't have these objects it would be a disaster. I don't want to say that I could not live without them but it would be very boring  to do something without music or buy things that only do one thing and can't do what the computer can do.


  1. I really like your blog!
    I hope to continue reading you in the future.

  2. I agree. It's really hard chose one of them


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