Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Person/Expert you admire

William Henry Gates III better known as Bill Gates, he was born on October 28, 1955. He is an american businessman, computer scientist and philanthropist, while he was a student at Harvard University he creates the “Microsoft” software Company with Paul Allen, the software that almost all people use on their computer.

I admire that even if he didn’t finish the university ( he left it ), he becomes one of the more rich men in the world, just creating a software that would mark a before and after in computing terms and doing this just while he was a young man in the university. Also the ingenuity to be able to sell his software to diverse companies to generate more profits and make “Microsoft” the more used software in all the computers in the world.

Other thing that I admire from him is that he left the company to become a philanthropist, his fondation (with his wife) is the biggest one in the world with regard to the amounts of its economic contributions to all kinds of aid, research and development programs.



  1. What would be the Internet, if he had never created Microsoft?

  2. what would be the world whitout microsoft


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