Tuesday, May 23, 2017

My favourite book and film

I wasn't a big fan of books, It was basically reading the school books for the tests and no more, but I've been more interested in them lately. I don't have a favourite book but I really like the Stephen King books, some books like "Cell" and "It", I like the writing style of great length and depth. I'm reading the saga of "The dark tower", I'm just in the first book "The Gunslinger" but seems really good for now. 

It's hard to say what's my favourite film, it must be difficult for everyone , because there are so many good films like "The boy in the Stiped Pyjamas","The Pursuif of happyness" and others, but I have to say that one that stands out its "Lord of Rings". I watch this film when i was just a child and the history was very interesting and epic that makes me really like the film, also the music they use in the film makes more epic and wonderful to watch.

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