Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Postgraduate studies

It's a hard theme to talk about, I mean, yeah if in the future I can take a postgraduate I would do it. I don't really have a reason to do it, it's always good to learn more about what you studied and specialize in something that you like, also the difference of the money you get after getting the postgraduate it's something...  but now it's my first year of university and I haven't looked for information about the postgraduate yet.

Many years are still missing before I take this postgraduate and this is my first year in this career, for now, I don't have a favorite subject , I'm interested in toxicology but it's in the last year of the career so I will have to wait to that moment and see how it is, maybe in the future i will hate toxicology and I will love another subject.  

So I don't have a specific subject that I would like to do in the postgraduate but I would like to do it in another country, like United States or in another country in Europe if I can. I think that in more developed countries than in Chile I can learn much more, that's why I want to do it in another country.

If I do the postgraduate I would like to do it in a part-time course, I don't really want to stress for taking the postgraduate course, but if I have to do a full-time course I would do it~~~


1 comment:

  1. all the reason, on the way you will find your favorite area


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