Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Person/Expert you admire

William Henry Gates III better known as Bill Gates, he was born on October 28, 1955. He is an american businessman, computer scientist and philanthropist, while he was a student at Harvard University he creates the “Microsoft” software Company with Paul Allen, the software that almost all people use on their computer.

I admire that even if he didn’t finish the university ( he left it ), he becomes one of the more rich men in the world, just creating a software that would mark a before and after in computing terms and doing this just while he was a young man in the university. Also the ingenuity to be able to sell his software to diverse companies to generate more profits and make “Microsoft” the more used software in all the computers in the world.

Other thing that I admire from him is that he left the company to become a philanthropist, his fondation (with his wife) is the biggest one in the world with regard to the amounts of its economic contributions to all kinds of aid, research and development programs.


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

My favourite book and film

I wasn't a big fan of books, It was basically reading the school books for the tests and no more, but I've been more interested in them lately. I don't have a favourite book but I really like the Stephen King books, some books like "Cell" and "It", I like the writing style of great length and depth. I'm reading the saga of "The dark tower", I'm just in the first book "The Gunslinger" but seems really good for now. 

It's hard to say what's my favourite film, it must be difficult for everyone , because there are so many good films like "The boy in the Stiped Pyjamas","The Pursuif of happyness" and others, but I have to say that one that stands out its "Lord of Rings". I watch this film when i was just a child and the history was very interesting and epic that makes me really like the film, also the music they use in the film makes more epic and wonderful to watch.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

A photograph you like

The photography is a wonderful way to preserve memories or just for preserve things that we like in a photo. I'm not a big fan of photographs but a really like photos of animals or some landscapes, almost always that i take a photo is about that, also i really like the photographs from the universe, i don't know why... they are wonderful at naked eye and they are so mysterious.

                But one of my favorites photo or one that calls me more is this one

This photo was taken when i was just a child, i think that my mother took it, and there are my brothers, me and my dog (Pola)... She died about 5 years ago. I love this photo because it is one of the only ones where she looks young and makes me bring back some really good memories with her and think how fast time passes.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Music In My Life

Listen music is a thing that i always do every day and i think everyone's do it too in ours homes or in the bus when we go to the school/university/work.  

I like almost any kind of music jazz, classical, electronic, punk, rap, etc... it depends in the way I want to listen it. I only listen classical music when I’m studying for concentration or for relax. Today my preferences and what I hear almost every day are electronic, rap and punk music.  

The guitar and the drums are my favorite’s instruments because they set the rhythm of the song. I played guitar in my childhood, my brother taught me the basics but i left it, and i have never played drums, i always wanted to learn but i never do it , will be one of the things that i will do in the future. 

Well i said that my preferences are electronic, rap and punk music and it's been like i was a kid. For rap music my favorite singer is "Nach", he is so good and I really like the lyrics of his songs, they say it all, my favorite song is "Manifiesto". For the punk music I like the pop punk style and my favorite band is "Fall out boys", I’ve hear they since I was a kid and I have always liked. And for electronic music I don't have a favorite band but one song that I really like is "We'll be coming back” from Calvin Harris, really love the rhythm in that song. 

The music of the films are really good to, are many but i have to stay with the "Lord of the rings" OST, is so epic and is wonderful, i almost always use it when i'm studying.

English Language Challenges

I think that English is a language that everyone should learn, i mean, it works for many things like; communicate with other people who spea...